Un-Pollute, Zlatko Ćosić, 2017, video, 3:00
Minimal explorations of society and its harmful effects on the environment.
Many of us are trying to “re-” and “un-”, as we recycle, reduce, reuse, to undo the damages that our growing society brings upon the environment. The impact of climate changes are clearly evident, and it might be impossible to reverse the mistakes we continue to make while some ignore global warming. Un-Pollute is symbolically reversing, inhaling the pollution; ironically, something that we might not be able to do if we continue to ignore the warning signs. As consumers and producers, we need to change our energy consumption for cars, homes, and factories, and utilize sustainable sources. Everyone must be active participants in the fight against the climatological crisis.
- Essay for the Networked Disruptions Exhibition: www.ithaca.edu/fleff/networkeddisruptions/unpollute
- Un-Pollute on e-flux: www.e-flux.com/video/351117/zlatko-osi-nbsp-un-pollute as part of Ecology Without Nature: Industries, Communities and Environmental Memory,


:: Twisted Oyster Film and New Media Festival, Zhou B Art Center, Chicago, July 20-August 5, 2018
:: Networked Disruptions Exhibition, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca, NY, April 2019 - Present
:: Vital Signs, Twisted Oyster Film and New Media Festival, Ionion Center for Arts and Culture, Kefalonia Island, Greece, May 9-12, 2019
:: e-flux, Ecology Without Nature: Industries, Communities and Environmental Memory, curated by Lukas Brasiskis,
September 27-October 10, 2020
:: Labocine, Imagine Science Films,
New York, July 6-Aug 3, 2021
:: Ecologies After Nature, Tramway Gallery, Glasgow, UK,
November 19, 2022
:: Art Speaks Out, and Extreme Hangout, presented by ikonoTV, UN Climate Change Conference, COP29, Baku, Azerbaijan,
November 11-22, 2024
:: The Air We Share, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany,
Nov. 9, 2024 - August 10, 2025